2022 |
Kwon, M., Sohn, K., Bak, Y., & Kwon, O., A Method of Knowledge Extraction from ESG Reports using Deep Learning Technologies for ESG Evaluation, Journal of The Korean Operations Research and Management Science Society, 2022 |
2022 |
Kwon, O., Lee, N., Shin, Y., A Comparative Analysis of Anomaly Detection Algorithm for Digital Twin, 2022 International Conference on Platform Technology and Service (PlatCon-22), 2022 |
2020 |
Hwang, K., Bae, S., Kwon, O. The Relationship between Virtual Reality and Continuation Intention and the Moderating Effect of Meta Experience: Focusing on Mental and Cultural Heritage, Korean Association Of Business Education Conference, 2020. |
2020 |
Cho, Y., Kang, K., Kwon, O. Depp Learning-Based Audience Prediction Using Poster Image Characteristics, The Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences 1st Korea Artificial Intelligence Conference, 2020. |
2020 |
Kang, G., Jin, G., Kwon, O. Automatic Speech Style Recognition: Development of Speaker Recognition Technology in Multilateral Conversation, The Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences 1st Korea Artificial Intelligence Conference, 2020. |
2020 |
Jin, G., Kwon, O. Impact of Chart Image Characteristics on Stock Price Prediction with a Convolutional Neural Network, The Korean Operations Research and Management Science Society Conference, 2020. |
2020 |
Cho, Y., Sohn, K., Kwon, O. A Comparative Study on the Stock Price Volatility Prediction Model Based on the Search Volume of Technical Keywords, Korea Intelligent Information Systems Society Conference, 2020. |
2020 |
Bae, S., Hwang, K., Cho, Y., Kwon, O. Modified Infection Prediction Model Using Social Network Service Trends: Focusing on Korean COVID-19 Pandemin Case, Korea Society of IT Services Conference, 2020. |
2020 |
Kwon, O., Bae, S., & Shin, B. (2020). Understanding the Adoption Intention of AI through the Ethics Lens, The 53rd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences. |
2020 |
Sung, E., Bae, S., Han, D., Kwon, O. (June 13, 2020). Mixed Reality (MR) Consumer Response on Multiplex Retailing: Applied Technology-based (Artificial Intelligence) Interactive Storytelling, Virtual Presentation, 42nd ISMS Marketing Science Conference, Duke University, USA, June 11- June 13, 2020. |
2018 |
Ohbyung Kwon and Sukjae Choi, Establishing Normative SentiWordNet Based on Moral Foundation Theory for Multidimensional Sentiment Analysis , International conference on Convergence Content, 2018 |
2018 |
Ohbyung Kwon et al., Do Artificial Intelligence Features Matter When Adopting Artificial Intelligence Based Artifact? ,Saigon Hi-Tech Park 5th Annual International Conference, 2018 |
2018 |
Ohbyung Kwon et al., Food Recommendation Based on Personal's Mental Health Index and SNS Analysis, 2018 International Conference on Platform Technology and Service (PlatCon-18), 2018. |
2017 |
Ohbyung Kwon et al., Pairing Social Issues and Scientific Solutions Based on Unstructured Data Analytics, 2017 International Conference on Platform Technology and Service (PlatCon-17), 2017 |
2016 |
Ohbyung Kwon et al., Cross-National of Robot Research Using Non-Structured Test Analytics for R&D Policy Management, ASIP 2016 Chengdu Conference, 2016 |